The First-Ever Kel at Home Weekly Newsletter

The First-Ever Kel at Home Weekly Newsletter

Welcome to the first ever Kel at Home Weekly Newsletter

Hello and welcome to Kel at Home Newsletter! Maybe as time goes on it will develop a better name, but for now, lets keep it simple.  

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Furniture Projects This Week

If you’ve been following along in my stories then you know that this week I’ve been working on a set of end tables.  The plan was to keep the color neutral for resale, but the only colors I had on hand were a plum purple and an olive green.  Since neither color was what I was looking for, I decided to mix them together to see if I could make a nice dark grayish color.  The mixture ended up being a purple-y brown, my only saving grace is that I can still paint a dark color on top for the 2nd coat.  Time will tell! 

Kel at Home

Apartment Style Updates

This week has been the week that I moved allll of the beautiful outdoor patio plants into my apartment before the freezing temps hit.  I’m really hoping that my fiddle leaf fig survives the winter indoors. 

I also started slooooowly but surely switching out some of my kitchen counter *crap* for more aesthetically pleasing things like wood cutting boards, an affordable cutting board option, salt and pepper shakers, fake plants, and oil & vinegar bottles. I also bought this placemat as a home for it all until I find something cuter. I’m liking how it’s turning out so far, but still a ways to go. 

Kel at Home

Favorite Fashion Find

With fall OFFICIALLY making its entrance this week, hitting 60-degree weather in Colorado, I started making the change from summer tanks and shorts to leggings and crew necks.  I found this crewneck on Etsy and fell in love! I went looking to find some more affordable options and ended up with a crewneck from the Nike Outlet store in Castle Rock.  I’m finally rocking the biker short and crewneck combo like Princess Diana.  I’m here for it.  I’ll link some similar options below: 

Books I'm Reading

Brandon and I attended a wedding last weekend in Illinois, and it conveniently gave me some free time on the plane so that I could finish up my last book, The Last Mrs. Parrish.  I LOVED this book.  So suspenseful, and the short chapters make the book fly by.

So, this week I started reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I’m only on page 20 so I can’t give an honest review yet, but so far so good! I’ve seen tons of people post about it over the last couple of years so I’m excited to see what it’s all about. 

I also read Journey To The Heart daily.  It’s a great book with daily affirmations and intentions to keep you grounded and centered.  I definitely recommend it to anyone looking to find their rhythm. 

Recipe of the Week

Banana Bread

The recipe of the week this week is Banana Bread! I had scoured Pinterest for years and never found a recipe that reminded me of the banana bread I had growing up.  

You know, the one that my mom used to make.  So I cut right to the chase and just got the recipe from my mom, and now here it is for you! Banana Bread is a fall staple! 

A Sunday morning staple.  Maybe a life staple?! Plus the smell of your house will have everyone excited to try a slice. 


This week I watched a movie when the boys were out of the house called The Starling.  It’s a new Melissa McCarthy movie and I seriously love her in everything she plays.  The story was about child loss, something that isn’t talked about nearly enough.  I knew by the description that it was going to be emotional, and it was, but definitely a great feel-good too.


In case you missed it, I put together some of my favorite lay around the house/WFH (same same, right?) songs on a playlist.  Think funky coffeehouse vibes. Follow along! 

Grateful Things

  1. Chilly Mornings 
  2. Diet Dr. Pepper
  3. Moisturizing skincare products in dry colorado weather!